Humidify for comfort, too.

Winter air here in the northeast is considerably drier than the air we breathe in the summer, or even the fall. That decrease in humidity can make a big difference in the quality of air in our home – and in our quality of life.

What Dry Air Causes

Overly-dry indoor air can lead to a number of problems, including:

  • Greater health risks – Dry air increases the incidence and severity of asthma symptoms and other respiratory problems while making your body more prone to infection. Many viruses also thrive in low-humidity environments – something to really keep an eye on this year.
  • Discomfort – Over-dry air lead to dry noses, sore throats, and cracked, itchy skin.
  • Property damage – Low humidity can dry out wood floors, plaster, paint, furniture, and artwork – not to mention causing damage to delicate electronics and musical instruments with static shock.
  • Lower energy efficiency – Dry air feels cooler, so you’ll need to increase air temperature to feel warmer. That means more fuel burned by your heating system – and higher bills for you.

Whole-House Humidifiers Are An Air Quality Solution

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to keep healthy levels of moisture in your indoor air: install a whole house humidifier.

A whole house humidifier connects directly to your home heating system, where it adds the water vapor needed to humidify the air in your home to healthy levels. All you need to do is set the humidity level you want through your humidifier-ready thermostat and you’ll be ready to experience the benefits of air properly humidified air.

The Bottom Line

Maintaining proper humidity is a key to keeping your family and your home healthy all year long, but especially in the cold, dry fall and winter months. With a whole house humidifier –professionally installed by the reliable pros at Advantage Oil – you will breathe easier now and for many years to come.

Want healthier air in your home this heating season? Install a whole house humidifier from Dixon Energy. Contact us today for a FREE, no obligation estimate on humidifier installations in New Jersey!